Sunday, January 12, 2014
Morocco: Charity
Maybe people could think about giving to charity on their visits to Morocco.
It is a poor country in many ways and to them the fact that you can
afford to come on holiday instantly makes you wealthy in their eyes
(even though not often the case).
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Morocco: Budget Travel
Morocco is a wonderful destination if you are on a budget as your money can go a lot further when compared to Europe.
lots of airlines flying to Marrakech, Agadir, Casablanca and Tangiers
you can easily pick up a great deal on flights if you...
Friday, January 10, 2014
Morocco Weather and When to Go
Everyone goes to Ricks, or so the movie “Casablanca” suggests anyway.
And while Rick may have been comfortable with his suits and tuxedos
chances are they’d be a little warm for the North African Sahara desert,
especially in the summer.
To many...
Morocco: Tourist Board Info
Here is a link to a tourist information site for Morocco.
Visit Morocco Tourist Info...
Morocco: Recommended Reading
Timbuktu: The Sahara's Fabled City of Gold by Marq De Villiers and Sheila Hirtle - Includes plenty of historical information on Morocco
White Gold by Giles Milton - Historical about North Africa's European slaves.
Morocco: History
In 2006 the African nation of Morocco celebrated its 50th anniversary
of independence. Today it is a land with a rich culture, in thanks to
its strategic location and very long history.
While the deserts of North Africa may not seem inviting, the...
Morocco: Culture
Vibrant, diverse Morocco is known for its Atlantic and Mediterranean
beaches, high mountains, Sahara Desert, imperial cities, and souks. It
has a history and culture reflect the influence of a long succession of
invaders and settlers—including the...